In March 2024, the European Parliament voted to revise the “Weights and Dimensions” directive, allowing “megatrucks”, which can measure up to 25.25 meters in length and weigh up to 60 tons, to circulate on EU roads. With disastrous consequences.

Rail Logistics Europe says NO!
In view of the adoption of this directive, the entire European rail freight sector is mobilizing to point out that its application would clearly run counter to the European Union's ambition to decarbonize the transport sector and ensure road safety for all its citizens.
Suite de l'article
Rail Logistics Europe is taking an active part in the #gorailnroad #stopmegatrucks campaign launched on social networks, which highlights the harmful effects of this directive in terms of road safety, infrastructure deterioration (and therefore adaptation costs for the taxpayer), mobility, air pollution and CO2 emissions.
These arguments are in line with European public opinion, according to the results of a pan-European survey* carried out by Toluna Harris Interactive for the European rail associations RFF, CER, ERFA and UIP, and the French coalition 4F. Carried out in 9 Member States (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Austria and Romania), the survey reveals that 6 out of 10 Europeans believe that countries where rail freight transport (or transport that combines rail and road) is present should not allow mega-trucks.
Accepted by the European Commission and Parliament, the directive still has to be approved by the European Council before its second reading. A matter to be followed closely, then!
Update as of June 19, 2024: The Weights and Dimensions Directive has not been passed as it stands. It has been postponed and will be back on the agenda as of January 1, 2025, probably in a more flexible form. Proof of the effectiveness of the collective #stopmegatrucks campaign? Hope for the future for sure!