1. Site publisher

The Site is published by Rail4Logistics, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with share capital of €217,397,184, registered in the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under number 528 985 559 and SIRET number 528 985 559 00046.
Head office address: Rail4Logistics, 16 rue Simone Veil 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine.
Email : rail.logistics.europe@sncf.fr

2. Publishing director

The publication director is Frédéric DELORME, President of Rail4Logistic.

3. Site hosting and maintenance

The Site was designed by Infostrates - Parc d'activités de la Valentine, Lot 4 montée du commandant de Robien, 13011 Marseille, France. 
The Site is developed, hosted and maintained by Infostrates.
Head office: Parc d'activités de la Valentine, Lot 4 montée du commandant de Robien, 13011 Marseille, France.

General terms and conditions of use

1. Preamble

We strongly recommend that you read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully and in their entirety before consulting the www.rail-logistics-europe.com website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”).
The purpose of these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “GCU”) is to determine the conditions of access and the rules of use under which the Site offers access to several online services accessible via the following link: www.rail-logistics-europe.com.
Go to www.rail-logistics-europe.com
Access to the Site is subject to compliance with the GCU. Access to the Site is strictly reserved to the user (hereinafter, the “User”) as defined in the GCU.
Rail Logistics Europe reserves the right to unilaterally modify or update the GCU at any time, according to the changes or additions made, in particular in order to comply with any legal, jurisprudential, editorial and/or technical developments, as well as any modifications to the general conditions of use of the Host's services.
The User must regularly consult the latest version of the GCU, which is permanently available on the Site.

2. Definitions

In the GCU, words or expressions beginning with a capital letter shall have the following meaning:
Contribution(s): refers to all comments or content that Users may publish on the Site.
Publisher: refers to Infostrates.
Host: refers to OVH.
Information: refers to all information and publications accessible on the Site.
Site: refers to the site offered by the Publisher on the Internet at www.rail-logistics-europe.com.
Go to www.rail-logistics-europe.com
User(s): refers to any person having access to the Site, regardless of their location or connection method.

3. Purpose of the Site

The purpose of the Site is to provide Users with information and assistance concerning all the activities, products, services and offers of the Rail Logistics Europe Group.
Any use of the Site must comply with the GCU.

4. Access to and use of the Site

4.1 Access to the Site
Access to the Site is possible from a computer, tablet or smartphone connected to a telecommunications network according to the communication protocols used on the Internet network.
Rail Logistics Europe grants the User the right to consult, use and access the Information on the Site.

4.2 Cost of access
Access to the Site is free of charge and is not subject to subscription.
All software and hardware necessary for the use or operation of the Site, Internet access or communication costs are the sole responsibility of the User outside his/her place of work.
Each User is entirely responsible for his/her own connection data.
In the absence of proof to the contrary, any connection to the Site, or transmission of data using the User's connection data, will be deemed to have been made by the User.

4.3 Duration of access
The User's access to the Site is for an unlimited period, without prejudice to the right of the User or Rail ogistics Europe. to unilaterally terminate access at any time, without notice, reason or compensation.
The User acknowledges that, in the event of violation of legislative provisions and/or the GCU, Rail Logistics Europe may block and/or terminate access to the Site, without prior notice, with immediate effect.

4.4 Use of the site
Use of the Site is reserved for strictly personal use, except in the case of inserts specified by Rail Logistics Europe.
In particular, the User agrees not to, without this list being limitative:

  •  using the Site for commercial purposes and generally offering products and services for direct or indirect remuneration
  • “resell” or make available to a third party and/or other Users, for a fee and/or free of charge, the content of the Site
  • use the Site to send unsolicited advertising or promotional material in any form whatsoever
  • direct Internet users indirectly or directly, in particular via hypertext links, to other Internet sites that may not comply with French legislation or the stipulations of the GCU

In order for the Site to function properly, Users must comply with certain technical constraints, which are subject to change.
The User is required to comply with the following technical indications in order to access the Site and make optimal use of the services offered. The User shall refrain from any action likely to hinder or disrupt the proper functioning or technical accessibility of the Site. The minimum configuration required to access the Site is as follows:
Screen: 1024 X 768 minimum
Minimum browsers: IE 11, Safari 12, Chrome 119, Firefox 112
The User undertakes to access the Site using virus-free equipment.
Rail Logistics Europe does not guarantee that its servers hosting the Site are free from viruses and other dangerous components. It is therefore the User's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his/her own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Internet.
The User accepts that Rail Logistics Europe may not, under any circumstances, be held liable for any incidental, material and/or immaterial, direct or indirect damage that may result from access to or use of the Site, including inaccessibility, loss of data, deterioration, destruction or viruses that may affect the User's computer equipment, and/or the presence of viruses on its Site.
Furthermore, any material downloaded and/or obtained in any way whatsoever while using the Site is done so at the User's own risk. Rail Logistics Europe is in no way liable for any damage and/or loss of data suffered by the User's computer.
The information published by Rail Logistics Europe and contained on the Site is non-contractual and provided for information purposes, free of charge, and without any obligation on the part of Rail Logistics Europe, which may modify it without notice.
Rail Logistics Europe endeavors to provide information on the Site that is as accurate as possible. However, Rail Logistics Europe cannot be held responsible for any omissions, inaccuracies or failures to update information, whether caused by Rail Logistics Europe or by third-party partners supplying such information. The User is invited to verify any information published on the Site with official sources.
Interactive areas are available to Users. However, Rail Logistics Europe reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content posted in this area that contravenes the legislation applicable in France, in particular provisions relating to data protection. Where applicable, Rail Logistics Europe also reserves the right to hold the User civilly and/or criminally liable, particularly in the event of messages of a racist, insulting, defamatory or pornographic nature, whatever the medium used (text, photographs, etc.).

5. Site availability

The Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of Rail Logistics Europe.
Rail Logistics Europe reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or limit, without prior notice, access to all or part of the Site, in particular for maintenance and updating operations necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and related materials, or for any other reason, in particular technical.
Rail Logistics Europe is not bound by any obligation of result concerning the availability of the Site and technical accessibility to the Site. Rail Logistics Europe is in no way responsible for interruptions and the consequences that may result for the User, particularly when the interruptions are caused by those of the Host for maintenance or other purposes.
The User is informed that Rail Logistics Europe may terminate or modify the characteristics of the Site at any time, without notice and without the User having any recourse against Rail Logistics Europe.

6. Site hosting

Users are expressly informed that the content published on the Site is hosted and stored on the OVH server.

7. Contributions

User Contributions are moderated a posteriori by a Rail Logistics Europe moderator on the basis of their compliance with French laws and regulations and the requirements set out in Article 3.4 of the GCU and, more generally, for any other serious reason.
Rail Logistics Europe reserves the right to delete any Contribution that violates the GCU or that may engage the liability of Rail Logistics Europe or the Host in whole or in part.                                                                                   
The User is responsible for any Contribution posted via the Site and for the consequences thereof. The Contribution that the User submits, publishes or displays may be consulted by other Users of the Site. The User shall only provide Contributions that he/she wishes to share with others in compliance with the GCU.
The User undertakes to submit to Rail Logistics Europe truthful information and content, clearly indicating the source and author in the case of borrowing from a pre-existing work.Par ailleurs, les Contributions ne doivent pas :

  • infringe intellectual property rights
  • be of a discriminatory nature or incite violence or hatred, for reasons of ethnic origin, politics, sexual orientation, etc.
  • contain obscene or pornographic content, etc.
  • undermine the integrity or security of the Site and in particular contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer program designed to damage or clandestinely intercept any computer system, data or personal information
  • be liable to engage the responsibility of Rail Logistics Europe and/or the Host by proposing hypertext links to sites or content that are illicit, counterfeit, or more generally, to content likely to infringe the laws or regulations in force, or to sites with restricted access without the authorization of the holders of the rights to the content.

The User declares that he/she is the sole and exclusive owner of any copyright over the Contributions and guarantees Rail Logistics Europe and/or the Host free and full enjoyment of all easements of the rights that are the subject of the GCU, against all disturbances, claims and evictions whatsoever.
In particular, the User warrants that no litigation or proceedings are pending or about to be instituted in respect of the Contributions involving copyright.

8. Intellectual property rights 

In general, the User undertakes not to infringe the intellectual property rights (copyright, neighbouring rights, sui generis rights of database producers, trademark rights, domain names, etc.) of Rail Logistics Europe or the Host, or of any third party.
Rail Logistics Europe owns all intellectual property rights to both the structure and content of the Site (text, logos, images, sound elements, software, icons, layout, database, etc.) or has regularly acquired the rights to use the structure and content of the Site, without limitation.
Rail Logistics Europe grants the User the right to use the Site for strictly private purposes, to the exclusion of any profit-making use. In the event of professional use, the User must obtain Rail Logistics Europe's express, prior and written authorization.
In particular, the User is prohibited from copying, reproducing, representing, modifying and/or exploiting, transferring in any way whatsoever, all or part of the structure and content of the Site, except with the express, prior and written authorization of Rail Logistics Europe.
Rail Logistics Europe may authorize the User to download certain elements, in particular texts, photographs or music. This functionality is at the sole discretion of Rail Logistics Europe, which may modify or delete it at any time. The User therefore undertakes not to make any claim against Rail Logistics Europe in this respect. In addition, Rail Logistics Europe and/or any third party concerned may take appropriate action in the event of improper downloading, particularly in the event of infringement of intellectual property rights.
Trademarks and logos reproduced on the Site are registered by the companies that own them. Any reproduction of the names or logos, by any means whatsoever, without the prior authorization of the owner concerned is prohibited.
Failure to comply with these prohibitions may, in particular, constitute an act of counterfeiting and/or unfair and parasitic competition for which the User may be held civilly and/or criminally liable.

9. Hypertext links

With the exception of sites broadcasting information and/or content of an illegal nature and/or of a political, religious or pornographic nature, a User may create a hypertext link from a site to the Site.
In the event of use of such sites, the User is invited to refer to the General Conditions of Use of the site concerned. However, Rail Logistics Europe reserves the right to object to this authorization, and accepts no responsibility for the information contained on sites that may be linked to its own by hypertext links or other means.
Conversely, hypertext links contained on the Site may refer to other Internet sites by any means.
Insofar as Rail Logistics Europe cannot control these external sites and sources, Rail Logistics Europe cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot accept any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources.
Furthermore, Rail Logistics Europe may not be held liable for any proven or alleged damage arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance on the content, goods or services available on these external sites or sources.
Finally, to the extent permitted by law, Rail Logistics Europe shall not be held liable in the event that the content of said other sites contravenes applicable laws and regulations.

10. Warranties & Liability

The User undertakes, when using the Site, not to contravene the legislative and regulatory provisions in force, good Internet practice, netiquette and the GCU.
In general, Rail Logistics Europe disclaims all liability for any use of its services that does not comply with the GCU.
The User is hereby informed that any violation of the stipulations of the GCU may result in legal proceedings and sanctions being taken against the User.
Under the same conditions, the User also undertakes to comply with the internal rules and practices relating to the use of Rail Logistics Europe's information systems and networks.
The User undertakes to act with diligence in responding to any claims.
The User shall be liable to Rail Logistics Europe and/or third parties for any direct and/or indirect material or immaterial loss of any nature whatsoever caused by the User and/or his employees in the event of use not in compliance with the GCU.
The User indemnifies Rail Logistics Europe, as well as its parent, sister or affiliated companies, its representatives, its employees, its partners, and the Host, against all demands, claims and/or recourses of any kind, resulting from any breach of the said stipulations.
The User shall indemnify them, at any time and on first request, against any damage or any request, action or complaint from third parties resulting from any breach of the said stipulations.
This indemnity covers both damages and interest that may be paid, whatever their direct or indirect origin, such as in particular legal fees, expert fees and court costs.
Rail Logistics Europe undertakes to use its best efforts to implement technical and organizational measures to protect the Information circulating on the Site.
Nevertheless, the User declares that he/she is fully aware that data is not protected against any form of intrusion, including hacking.
The User acknowledges that it is impossible to guarantee total security for transmitted data. Consequently, Rail Logistics Europe cannot be held responsible for any incidents that may arise from this transmission.
It is the User's responsibility to take all necessary steps to protect the confidentiality of transmitted data.
Each User of the Site expressly undertakes:

  • not to use any software or process intended to copy the Information on the Site without the express prior authorization of Rail Logistics Europe
  • expressly refrain from using software or devices likely to disrupt the proper operation of the Site, nor from taking any action likely to impose a disproportionate burden on Rail Logistics Europe's infrastructures
  • not to alter, modify or create derivative works from the Information on the Site without the express prior consent of Rail Logistics Europe
  • to make short quotations, analyses and reproductions intended for press reviews or other uses expressly authorized by law only within the limits and conditions set by the latter and subject in particular to quoting the names of the authors and the source
  • not to extract or reuse, including for private purposes, without the prior written authorization of Rail Logistics Europe, any substantial or non-substantial part of the content of the databases and archives constituted by the Site
  • not to collect information on third parties, including e-mail addresses, in order to use them to send commercial solicitations or the like, or to integrate them into a referencing service or the like, whether free or paid, or to carry out competitive monitoring
  • not to set up systems likely or of a nature to hack the Site in whole or in part, or of a nature to violate the GCU
  • to inform Rail Logistics Europe as soon as they become aware of any infringement whatsoever (in particular of Rail Logistics Europe's intellectual property rights), in particular of any illicit or non-contractual use of the Site's Information, regardless of the means of distribution used.

The User who publishes a Contribution on the Site acknowledges that he/she is personally liable, both to third parties and to Rail Logistics Europe, in the event of violation of applicable legislative or regulatory provisions and, consequently, guarantees Rail Logistics Europe against any and all claims, demands and evictions.

11. Contact

If you have any questions about the operation of the Site or the GTCU, you can contact us by post at the following address:
Rail Logistics Europe
Direction de la communication et de l'image
16, rue Simone Veil 
93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, France

12. Nullity of a clause 

The nullity in whole or in part of one or more stipulations of the GCU, under the terms of a legal or regulatory provision or a court decision that has become final, does not entail the nullity of the other stipulations or the part of the provision not affected by the nullity.

13. Applicable law - Settlement of disputes

The GCU are governed by French law.
In the event of any dispute relating to the interpretation, validity or performance of the GCU, the User and Rail Logistics Europe agree to use their best efforts to settle the dispute amicably.
Should an amicable agreement not be reached, any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of the GCU will be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Paris courts.

14. Photo credits

  • AdobeStock 
  • Alain Wong / Unsplash
  • Alex Profit 
  • AREP
  • AREP - Sergio Capasso
  • Arnaud Février
  • Chris Biron / Unsplash
  • Christophe Recoura
  • Clara Ferrand
  • Direction Projet Eole – SNCF Réseau
  • Géronimo Potier 
  • Guillaume Blanchon
  • Laurent Pascal
  • Letizia Le Fur
  • Matthieu Raffard 
  • Maxime Huriez
  • Patrick Messina
  • Radoslaw Prekurat / Unsplash
  • Raul Varzar / Unsplash
  • Rob Tol / Unsplash
  • Sardo
  • Seb Godefroy
  • Setec Egis Duthilleul Arep
  • SNCF Médiathèque / P. Olivain 
  • Shutterstock
  • VIIA
  • Virgile Thersiquel
  • Yann Audic