
Applying at Rail Logistics Europe

We recruit candidates from all backgrounds, with or without experience, without diplomas and up to graduate degree level (BAC+5). There are over 150 different professions at Rail Logistics Europe, so you're sure to find the job that's right for you! 
Whether you're a student, recent graduate or experienced professional, come and join us!

travailler chez rle

Join RLE

Joining Rail Logistics Europe means choosing a group dedicated to the decarbonization of freight transport, attentive to each individual and fully agreed on the collective challenges of tomorrow.
We're proud to be at the service of our customers every day, mobilizing our skills and know-how to ensure the safe operation of more than 15,000 trains a day across Europe.

Jobs offers

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Conductrice de train vue de dos en train de conduire

Train driver

As a train driver, you'll be responsible for transporting a load of goods for a customer, but you'll also have to put safety first, by checking that the equipment involved in the shunting operation is in good working order.

Driving trains is very rewarding and ideal for solitary people! And it's a source of pride to know that we're helping to take trucks off the road!


Train driver

Une employée sur des rails avec derrière un train


This job involves building up trains (sorting wagons, hooking and unhooking), as well as performing shunting operations on the customer's premises. Working as a railway operator means ensuring safety and carrying out checks on trains.

Contrary to appearances, this profession is more about technique than physical strength. And when you love the great outdoors, it's perfect!



Employé travaillant dans un bureau

Resource management

The job of resource manager involves managing drivers' daily schedules and keeping track of train movements, in particular by informing drivers of any incidents on their route.

What I like about this job is that there's no routine, because every convoy takes place under different conditions.


Resource Manager