Our railway freight solutions
To transport coal, coke, anthracite, pellets, castine, slag, lime, and other similar products, we offer a complete and flexible service that adapts to the fluctuations of your production. Our knowledge of national and international infrastructures allows us to assemble your flows internationally through our European network and our partnerships with historic Railway Companies.
End-to-end support
Our expert customer teams, our proximity to borders, and our various international transport services provide a range of solutions to ensure your flows with a high level of security and daily monitoring.
Robustness and flexibility
We are able to handle industrialized and massive flows with strong shipping and scheduling imperatives. We provide precise and tailored responses to each of your requests with entire trains, heavy trains, groups of wagons, or even isolated wagons, the latter allowing us to meet your smallest volumes and ensure the flexibility you need.
A global logistics offer
Loading and unloading, terminal delivery by truck (Fercam), storage possibilities... Attentive to your needs, we offer additional solutions adapted to your logistical constraints.
Contact us
A specialist in your sector at your service : Frédérique Wozniak
E-mail : frederique.wozniak@sncf.fr