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This website is sustainable and low consumption


Flexible offer

We provide flexibility in our offers based on your constraints and the fluctuations of scrap metal prices. Depending on changes in volume and your transport plans, we adjust the organization of our traffic.

Train Fret qui roule vu de face

A European offer

In collaboration with our network of European companies and railway operator partners, we offer end-to-end transportation solutions on a European scale.

Adapted wagons

We offer a fleet of wagons capable of transporting all categories of scrap metal: new industrial scraps, short recovery scraps, crushed scraps, shredding products, industrial demolition scraps, stainless steel car bundles...

Une employée au centre de deux wagons pas encore racordés

Adapted transport modes

Hexafret offers transport modes suited to your transport needs. Today, 90% of our scrap metal traffic operates via the isolated wagon offer, a solution that allows you to adjust the volume of your traffic down to the individual wagon.