
Forwardis : freight forwarder

As a rail and multimodal freight forwarder and river freight broker, Forwardis develops tailor-made solutions and ensures end-to-end monitoring of your logistics.

Containers Forwardis empilés

End-to-end logistics solutions

Forwardis designs turnkey logistics solutions in France and abroad. Forwardis' expertise is based on the performance of multimodal solutions and our mastery of the different sectors of freight transport to optimize your supply chain.

Les autoroutes ferroviaire VIIA vu du haut

Our solutions

We focus on three main markets:

  • liquid bulk
  • dry bulk
  • industrial and manufactured products

Our support

We offer :

  • Consulting & engineering
  • Rail and river transport solutions
  • Wagon and container tracking
  • Wagon and container fleet management
  • An insulated wagon network
  • Numerous dedicated solutions (Europe, China, internal navigation, combined rail/road solutions).
Pictogramme localisation

headquarters : Paris, Berlin & Frankfurt
Pictogramme signe euro


sales in 2023
Pictogramme 3 collaborateurs



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Discover FOWARDIS on video

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