Who are we?
The Technis Service Desk is the point of contact for railway companies and candidates wishing to make use of the facilities and services offered by Technis. It manages the commercialization of regulated services and commercial solutions for the maintenance and repair of railway vehicles, while also offering logistics services.
To access these services or receive updates from the Technis Service Desk, please contact guichet.technis@sncf.fr.
We guarantee your confidentiality
In managing the information and data collected from candidates requesting services, the Technis Counter is committed to adhering to the confidentiality obligation imposed by Article 10 of Decree No. 2012-70, concerning passenger stations and other service infrastructures of the railway network.
Therefore, only the information and data strictly necessary to formulate a response to the candidate's request will be transmitted, if applicable, to other entities within Technis, under conditions that ensure their confidentiality is maintained.
Document de référence maintenance
ZIP - 607.16 KBContractualiser
ZIP - 1019.44 KBDonnées techniques des sites
ZIP - 379.68 KBTarifs
ZIP - 760.04 KBCommander
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